English-language section
Towards personal and organizational effectiveness and integrity |
The voluntary nature of nonprofit organizations |
Наталия Рин
Managing мultinational project teams. Case study (сonclusion) |
Сунхи Ким
Electronic government leadership and building human capacity in local government |
Каролина Галлиарде
Recruitment in Europe and in Russia, not the same job |
Наталия Рин
Managing multinational project teams. Case study |
In essence
All you need is love |
Эса Яхола
North Russian Enterprises. Strategic Planning and Performance Measurement (conclusion) |
Джеймс Д. Слэк
Rumors and Сonfidentiality in the American Public Workplace: The Case of Workplace Disabilities |
The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.
Robert Lee Frost
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