Personnel Mix
The journal includes
a separate English-language section entitled
Global Approach and Local Experience

 / english  / english section

English-language section

Towards personal and organizational effectiveness and integrity

The voluntary nature of nonprofit organizations

Наталия Рин

Managing мultinational project teams. Case study

Сунхи Ким

Electronic government leadership and building human capacity in local government

Каролина Галлиарде

Recruitment in Europe and in Russia, not the same job

Наталия Рин

Managing multinational project teams. Case study

In essence…

“All you need is love”

Эса Яхола

North Russian Enterprises. Strategic Planning and Performance Measurement

Джеймс Д. Слэк

Rumors and Сonfidentiality in the American Public Workplace: The Case of Workplace Disabilities

Эса Яхола

North Russian Enterprises. Strategic Planning and Performance Measurement

Тери Линдеберг

Challenging Recruiting Assignments in a Booming Market

Зейн Ривз

Teaching Discipline to Employees


The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.

Robert Lee Frost


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