№ 11-12 (045-046), 2006
Trust with Care! The Cost of Trust in an Organization
The journal includes a separate English-language section entitled Global Approach and Local Experience. Edited by Professor Mark Holzer (USA) and Professor Norma Riccucci (USA), this section publishes original articles written by authoritative experts from different countries, accompanied by a Russian-language summary of the main points.
English-language section
Hubert Rampersad, Elena Vetluzhskikh
Towards Personal and Organizational Effectiveness and Integrity
Summary of issue>>
№ 1 (047), 2007
Career in an organization: higher and higher, or?
English-language section:
Natalia Krasilnikova
Personal branding as a new challenge for corporate government
If you do not think about the future, you cannot have one.
John Galsworthy
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