Personnel Mix
The journal includes
a separate English-language section entitled
Global Approach and Local Experience

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About Journal

Personnel-Mix journal focuses on organizational development and human resource management


Published since 2001.


Founder — Mary Tarlova

Publisher — Literra Scripta Publishing House (St. Petersburg, Russia)


Editor-in-Chief: Vera Minina, Doctor of Sociology

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Tatiana Klemina, PhD in Economics

Editor: Elina Burganova, PhD in Sociology

Associate editor: Kenneth MacInnes, BA (Hons)


Editorial Committee


Chief executive editor: Roman A. Sacharov

Creative director: Mitya Kharshak


Subscription to the journal with foreign delivery is provided by
Tel.: +7 495 681-91-37, +7 495 681-87-47

Information about subscription in Russia and CIS (in Russian)


Readership: entrepreneurs, managers, organizational consultants, students and lecturers.


The journal includes a separate English-language section entitled Global Approach and Local Experience. Edited by Professor Mark Holzer (USA) and Professor Norma Riccucci (USA), this section publishes original articles written by authoritative experts from different countries, accompanied by a Russian-language summary of the main points.

Contributing authors: leading researchers, consultants, trainers, HR directors and managers of Russian and foreign companies.


Goals: To provide up-to-date and practical information on the following topics:

  1. Subject section: main theme
  2. Organization: administration, management and leadership
  3. Labor market and employee recruitment
  4. Organizational culture, organizational change and human resource development
  5. HR techniques and practices
  6. Global approach and local experience (in English)
  7. Information section

Registration number ПИ-IV-ФС-77-21809 (5 September 2004).

Circulation: 10,000 copies.
Certified by the National Circulation Service (Moscow, Russia).


Address: 11/E Dobrolyubov Prospekt, St Petersburg, 197198 Russia

Tel.: +7 812 230-46-83, +7 812 230-45-95

Fax: +7 812 230-45-96



Conscious discipline: is this not real freedom?

Nicholas Roerich


All rights reserved.

Russia, 197198, St. Petersburg,
Dobrolubova av., 11/E
Тел.: +7 (812) 230-46-83, +7 (812) 230-45-95

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