Personnel Mix
The journal includes
a separate English-language section entitled
Global Approach and Local Experience

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Editorial Committee

Leonid Ivanovich Evenko

Leonid Ivanovich Evenko
Doctor of economics, professor, rector of the Higher School of International Business of the Russian Government Academy of National Economy, president of the Russian Association of Business Education (Moscow).

Valentin Pavlovich Galenko

Valentin Pavlovich Galenko
Doctor of economics, professor, vice-rector of St Petersburg State University of Economics and Finances, director of the Higher School of Economics.

Yevgenia Igorevna Gromova

Yevgenia Igorevna Gromova
General director of COMCON-SPb (St Petersburg).

Christian Junnelius

Christian Junnelius
Associate professor, head of the Scandinavian Institute of Administrative Research (Stockholm).

Igor Anatolyevich Khukhrev

Igor Anatolyevich Khukhrev
General director of ANCOR Holding Management Company (Moscow).

Tatyana Nikolaevna Klemina

Tatyana Nikolaevna Klemina
PhD in economics, associate professor of the Faculty of Management of St Petersburg State University, deputy editor-in-chief of Personnel Mix.

Sophia Vladimirovna Kosheleva

Sophia Vladimirovna Kosheleva
Doctor of psychology, professor, head of the Department of Personnel Management, Faculty of Management, St Petersburg State University.

Tatyana Nikolaevna Lobanova

Tatyana Nikolaevna Lobanova
PhD in psychology, associate professor of the State University/Higher School of Economics, KPI project director of Trust National Bank (Moscow).

Vera Nikolaevna Minina

Vera Nikolaevna Minina
Doctor of sociology, professor of the Faculty of Sociology of St Petersburg State University, editor-in-chief of Personnel Mix.

Sergey Kirillovich Mordovin

Sergey Kirillovich Mordovin
Doctor of economics, associate professor, rector of the International Management Institute of St Petersburg, vice-president of the Russian Association of Business Education.

Elvira Vasilyevna Osipova

Elvira Vasilyevna Osipova
PhD in philology, associate professor, director of personnel management of Ingosstrakh (Moscow).

Valery Anatolyevich Polyakov

Valery Anatolyevich Polyakov
PhD in economics, vice-president of the Association of Personnel Search Consultants, president of Metropolis Personnel Group (Moscow).

Maria Vladimirovna Zhuravkova

Maria Vladimirovna Zhuravkova
PhD in psychology, associate professor, dean of the Faculty of Management of Mikhail Lomonosov State University of Pomorye (Arkhangelsk).


The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.

Robert Lee Frost


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