Personnel Mix
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Global Approach and Local Experience

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№ 1 (008), 2002


Richard Borzov, Senior Partner, ZAO World of Professionals (Moscow)

Recruitment: Business As Usual or via the Internet?

A well-known recruitment expert discusses the pros and cons of using the Internet to hire personnel. Read this informative article and learn not only how the Internet is impacting today’s HR market, but what to expect in the future.

Olga Sevastyanova, Organizational Development and HR Consultant (St. Petersburg)

All For One and One For All: Impressions on VIP Recruiting

Finding appropriate positions for VIPs is no easy matter, but this famous consultant has some fascinating thoughts and insights to help you succeed.

Vladimir Avseyev, Chief Designer of BOSS-Kadrovik Project, IT Company (Moscow )

Personnel Recording /Personnel Management: Do IT

What are the merits of computerized personnel records? A specialist discusses these issues as well as how computers can aid other HR management functions.

Stewart Nagel, University of Illinois (USA)

Win-win personnel administration and labor relations

Yes, everyone can come out ahead of the game: it’s called super-optimization. In this exciting article written by a professor from the University of Illinois, you can learn how to establish a successful personnel policy based on achievement.

Tatiana Gavrilova, “Balt-Audit-Expert”, Consultant, Doctor of Science, Professor of St. Petersburg State Technical University

The ABCs of Interviewing

Conducting an interview is no easy matter, yet there’s nothing more important in the hiring process. Learn the psychology in conducting a successful interview and how this famous professor, an artificial intelligence specialist, gets a candidate to reveal as much as possible.

Boris Fedorov, Director, Open Business School (St. Petersburg), Vladimir Makarenko, Development Director, OAO Telecomstroy SPb

Application of Information Technologies to Company Management Systems

What difficulties do Russian companies face when introducing management information systems? A wide variety of issues are covered in this article by a leading IT specialist.

Anastasia Chanko, Coach-Consultant, Senior Lecturer, Management Faculty, St. Petersburg State University

Five “k” in German Firms and Organizations: a Traveler’s Notes Cont.

The author continues to share her impressions of the German HR management system, it’s specific features and advantages. Why is social interaction a leading principle in the management of German corporations? Why is communication, its rules and technology, the foundation of personnel training? These and other questions are answered by this well-traveled HR specialist.

Julia Korovina, Rostov State University (Rostov-On-Don)

Developing an incentive system in the Hotel industry Conclusion

The author presents more information in the development of an incentive system for hotel personnel. These real-life examples illustrate how to develop a remuneration system that will not only inspire hotel personnel to do the best job possible, but make them take pride in their work.

Anastasia Makushkina, psychologist, OOO Institute Of Entrepreneurship Problems (St. Petersburg)

We Choose, We Are Chosen: Thoughts on Personnel motivation

Perhaps the only thing more difficult than finding a good employee is keeping one. So how do you do it, keep personnel who are in high demand? Typically, most companies increase salaries and sometimes even fire “problem” employees. But does that make sense, is that the only choice? In this insightful article a practicing psychologist recommends an incentive system that is attractive both to the company and the individual employee.

Edward Wong, Chair of Management, Lingnan University (Hong Kong)

Antecedents and Consequence of Joint Venture Employees’ Affective Commitment in China

In China, how does an employee develop loyalty to a joint venture? The author’s extensive research reveals some interesting conclusions, notably the value of labor protection and the development of trust and justice.

Igor Chumarin, Director, Fraud Research and Prevention Agency (St. Petersburg)

Staff security: risk groups in the company Conclusion

The author concludes by identifying the three highest risk groups: drug addicts, gamblers, and financial speculators. So what threat do they pose to your company? And how do you recognize the “rotten apples” among your employees and keep them from harming the rest? Read this article and discover the answers.

Surzhana Garmaeva, Phd Student, Social Management and Planning Department, St. Petersburg State University

Bank Employees: Getting and Keeping Them Loyal

Hoping to find out what makes a bank employee trustworthy and reliable, a young researcher conducted a series of candid interviews from April – July, 2001. Here are the frank results.

Nadezhda Bogdanova, Vice-President, Time Manager International Russia (Moscow)

Turning Your Company Into an Employee Magnet

Nowadays almost everyone realizes that a company’s competitiveness depends on its ability to find and keep talented people. But how do you create that dynamic work environment, one that attracts and draws only the best and the brightest? Read this article and learn what one of the top managers has to say about it all.

Alexander Kimberg, Associated Professor, Candidate of Psychology (Krasnodar)

The Psychology of Client Service Conclusion

Completing a tour into the world of hospitality, you’ll learn not only how to please the client, but how to turn a displeased customer into a happy client. The answer: excellent communication skills…and a comfortable hotel.

Michael Smirnov, Management and Development Consultant, SE Organizational Development Technologies (St. Petersburg)

The Responsible Employee

In a vivid and picturesque manner, a famous management and development consultant reveals what it takes to make and keep an employee responsible.

Elena Borisova, General Director, U-Consult Company (St. Petersburg)

Organizational Structure: Building it Right

So you want your business to succeed? Here are a specialist’s top recommendations for creating a dynamic company structure.

Vladimir Chernyavsky, Director of BAS Program, Head, Professional Business Consultants’ School, Institute of Organizational Development (St. Petersburg)

Introducing our new section: Organizational Design.

Christian Yunnelius, Doctor of Economics, Board Member, Scandinavian Institute of Administrative Research (Finland)

The Pitfalls of Growing Your Business

It’s very difficult for a company to grow – the stress on the internal structure is enormous – so let this famous consultant successfully steer you down a difficult path to great success.

The Pros and Cons of an External Consultant

Bringing someone from the outside to tell you what to do on the inside is a tricky thing. Is it a recognition of a company’s inability to solve its own problems, or is a fresh viewpoint just what you need? And if you do bring in a consultant, who is responsible for his recommendations? Find out these answers and more.

David Shusterman, Organizational Consultant, «Personnel UPGRADE» (Moscow)

What a Consultant Can Do For You

What is an organizational consultant and why might he be necessary? What can he do for your company? Let this well-known consultant help you not only grasp the answers to these questions, but help you forge a positive relationship with someone from the outside.

Alexander Miropolsky, Development Director, Mercuri International (St. Petersburg)

What is the future of sales training?

In this insightful article a top manager from a famous training company discusses the future of sales training. Will sales training eventually merge with company marketing? What specializations will take place? Let’s see.


If you do not think about the future, you cannot have one.

John Galsworthy


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