Personnel Mix
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№ 3 (004), 2001


Eight distinguished specialists host a lively discussion on the role
an HR-manager plays in a company. 

The round table participants include:

Andrey Udalov (Khlebny Dom, St. Petersburg), Elena Borisova (SLG Tomas International,
St. Petersburg), Tatjana  Kovaleva (Consultant, St. Petersburg), Vera Minina ("Personnel Mix" magazine).

Opinions of Experts:
Marina Oleshek
(Vimpelcom, Moscow), Valerija Terentjeva (Robert Bosh, Moscow),
Elena Barkova
(Anchor, Moscow), Dmitry Kuzmenkov (Petrovsky Bank, St. Petersburg).

Sergey Shilov, HR Director, Skhodnja-Mebel (Moscow)

The Personnel Department and Changes Within

So just how does a personnel department make organizational changes within a successful company?  Read this informative article and find out how.

Harry G. M. Wassenberg, Master of Sociology (Zotermeer,  Netherlands)

Role Behavior Within the Company Hierarchy (conclusion)

The ins and outs of managerial training at all levels.

Svetlana Tkachenko, Senior Consultant,(Anchor-St. Petersburg)
Anton Zharkov
, Consultant (St. Petersburg)

How to Measure the Competence?

An in-depth analysis of the Russian "assessment-center" method.

Boris Shishkin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Certified Project Manager,
Personnel Management Consultant for Rubin Design Bureau (St. Petersburg)

Tools for Personnel Assessment and Management Development

Just what makes a good work environment and how does it promote production? Read this fascinating article and learn how to bring out the best in your staff.

Aleksey Mikhailenko, Deputy Director, Telecom Invest (St. Petersburg)

Metaphysics of Management

Are work and social life two separate things? Is it possible to bring them into harmony? Learn what a leading executive has to say about organizational goals and values.

Aleksey Kim, Managing Director, American Chamber of Commerce, St. Petersburg (in conjunction with: Tatjana Yurkevitch,   Deputy Director of Personnel, Carterpillar Tosno, Ekaterina Gorokhova, Director, Kelly Services CIS, St. Petersburg, Julia Krasheninnikova, Personnel Manager, Era Henkel, Inc.)

So What's Your Staff Worth?

With a focus on the St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, top executives from leading international companies discuss labor remuneration.

Erkki  Asp, Professor (Turku, Finland)

Management's Changing Values

A top professor discusses how values change as high-tech companies adopt the "organic model" in the management of their development.

Leonid Krol, Director, Personnel Training Centre "Class", Coach, Psychologist (Moscow)

Do VIPs Need Training?

A well-known coach reveals his goals and difficulties in training highly successful people.

Karina Platova

The Market Goal as a criteria for Remuneration

How to create incentives for advertising managers, particularly
in regard to short-term goals.

Vladimir Voevodin (St. Petersburg)

The Swedish Model of Management in Russia: Ludwig Nobel

This fascinating article on Ludwig Nobel reveals his business and administrative talents, and describes the management model he created for the Nobel factories.

Snezhana Belousova, Chief of Training, Vera, Inc., Development Coach and Consultant
(St. Petersburg)

Why the Old Staff Looses its Loyalty?

What happens when a longtime employee ceases being loyal
to your company? Using case examples, an experienced consultant examines the mistakes managers make in dealing with problem employees. 

Aleksandra Kochetkova, Candidate of Economics, Academy of Finince  (Moscow)

Psychological Portrait of a Russian Employee: Rough Draft. Part I

A fascinating two-year study (1997-1999) of today's Russian employee, as conducted by a team of scientists under the supervision of Prof. V.M. Sokolinsky.

Maria Pavenkova, Assistant in the Sociology Faculty, St. Petersburg State University

Intraorganizational Communications and Computerization

Just how has the all-important computer affected communications within an organization?  A St. Petersburg specialist addresses the issues of decentralization, as well as the problems of training and motivating personnel in this day and age.  Here's how to manage your business when computers create change within your business.

Tatjana Golubinskaja, Legal Adviser, InterComp.Technologies L.L.S. (Moscow)

What Not To Do When Firing an Employee

Firing an employee is an extraordinarily difficult and legally complex task. Here's a description of various problems, with an emphasis on the Russian legal system.

Andrey Zuev, Lawyer (St. Petersburg)

Whose Copyright Is It?

What happens when one of your employees creates new software?  Who owns the copyright, you or them?  Here are some ways to avoid conflicts and resolve disputes.

Julia Merkurjeva, Psychologist-Consultant, Personnel Centre of the Higher Economic School, St. Petersburg State University, Department of Economics and Finance

Direct Call Sales Training: Three Days in the Group's Life. The Third Day

In their third day of training, the group develops skills in connecting with potential customers.  A continuation of a fascinating anaylysis (see No 1, 2001).

Natalja Tolstaja, Director General, Ampoule-Personnel Agency (Moscow)
Tatjana Mikhailitchenko, Project Manager, (Moscow)

The Overview of Training Services Market

Two leading specialists present a complete survey of the current market for training services (based on material presented at the conference "Personnel Training: Present and Future", Moscow, April 5, 2001).

Irina Primak, Chief of Training and Consulting, Neo Staff, Ltd.(St. Petersburg)

Information Security: Who Needs It?

The internal workings of your company are not only vital to your success, but highly confidential.  So how do your prevent leaks?  Here are some tips for security that you don't want to miss. 


Necessity is the mother of invention.


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