№ 2 (003), 2001
Sophia Kosheleva, Doctor of Psychology (St. Petersburg State University). Tatiana Klemina, Candidate of Economics (St. Petersburg State University) Keep Your Image Under Control Or... A good company attracts good people, but how do you get the word of your company into the marketplace? Experiences in both Russia and Europe are examined. | Helen Barkova, Project Manager (Executive Search Company ANCOR, Moscow) A top recruiting executive tells what it takes to attract the best. | Igor Korganov, HR Consultant (Moscow) HR Department: Myths and RealityHow do you view personnel simply part of production costs, mere resources, or as critical to a company's success? Using various paradigms, a consultant reveals how your HR staff can set the stage for the best work environment. | Grigory Tulchinsky, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (St. Petersburg) How to Manage Resistance Within So you want to make changes within your company but you face substantial resistance? Here are a few methods for success. | Tamila Zheleznyak, HR Director (Multifarm, St. Petersburg) What is Your Company All About? The stages of a company's development are reviewed using an illustrated history of the growth of Russian companies over the past decade. | Harry G. M. Wassenberg, socioligist (Zotermeer, Netherlands) Role Behavior Within the Company Hierarchy A top international consultant analyzes how managers behave at different levels of the corporate ladder. | Helen Borisova, HR Consultant (St. Petersburg) Evaluating Personnel Tips for Those Who Have No Time A famous consultant offers up a sure‑fire formula to evaluate personnel. | Vadim Konnov, Candidate of Economics Ludmila Razuvaeva Candidate of Economics (St. Petersburg) Social Partnership And Regulation of Wages and Salaries in St. Petersburg How the great triumvirate the employer, the trade union, and the state assist in the regulation of labor relations. | Helen Sharafanova, Candidate of Economics (St. Petersburg) Models of Behavior in Crisis SituationsThere are pushy managers and cooperative ones, but which perform better in an emergency? Using research developed by two Americans, the author explores behavioral types and interpersonal conflicts. | Ludmila Mosina, Director (Institute of Psychogenetic, Moscow) The Professional Image: How to be in Demand A well-known psychologist analyzes the image of a professional and how it creates demand for his services. But where is the line between substance and superficiality? The author examines this as well as explores the differences between the specialist and the professional. | Sophia Kosheleva, Doctor of Psychology (St. Petersburg State University) How a Manager's Personality Affects His Duties Everyone knows that a manager can bring out the best or worst in his employees, but how do you accomplish the first and avoid the latter? Using extensive test data, the author examines five types of behavior and how they incite or excite staff and affect the success of a business. | Vladimir Voevodin (St. Petersburg) The Nobel Family in Russian Industry An intimate look at Emmanuel Nobel and his entrepreneurial activity, which left an outstanding mark in the history of Russian industry. | Carl F. Fey, Institute of International Business Stockholm School of Economics Daniel R. Denison, International Institute for Management Development, Lausanne, Switzerland Organizational Culture and Effectiveness: the Case of Foreign Firms in Russia The quantitative part of the study tests the applicability of the existing model of organizational culture and effectiveness in the Russian context, while the qualitative part of the study presents four case studies designed to ground the empirical results in the Russian context and identify several cultural attributes, which appear to be quite important in a transition economy such as Russia. | Zoya Ivanova, Candidate of Economics, Consultant (Moscow) Legal Issues of Personnel Management in Russia (Concl.) Watch out for these the biggest mistakes in hiring and firing! | Natalia Guliaeva, Legal Adviser (Moscow) Confidential Business Information and Entrepreneurship Just when is business information confidential and when is it not? In this in-depth piece the author explores the nuances and what they may mean for the success of your company, but how information is guarded differently in Russia than in Europe. | Tatiana Golubinskaya, Legal Adviser (InterCompTechnologies, LLC, Moscow) Labor Discipline and Management Methods The law and labor what could be more complex yet more important? A top legal advisor describes how the legal codes influence the organization of labor, from incentives to requirements. Included is an examination of management's most common disciplinary errors and how to avoid them. | Razmik Aidinian, Doctor of Philosophy (St. Petersburg) Tatiana Shipunova, Candidate of Sociology (St. Petersburg) Goals, Strategies, and Tactics in Management To lead a company to success, operating managers must be clear in their methods. Here are some tips to get outstanding results. | Julia Merkurieva, Psychologist-Consultant (HR Center of the High Economic School of the St. Petersburg University for Economics and Finance) Direct Call Sales Training: Three Days in the Group's Life. the Second Day. A group trained in direct call sales focuses on the peculiarities of audio business communication. | Dmitry Belousov, Chief, Information Center (Club Capital Holding, St. Petersburg) "Personnel" Software Gains Popularity How to choose your HR software: 10 criteria. |
The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.
Robert Lee Frost
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