№ 1 (014), 2003
Valery Goncharuk, Ph.D. in Sociology, Marketing and Management Consultant (Moscow) TRANSFER OF POWER TO HIRED MANAGER If you want to know how and when power is given to employed managers, read this article by a management consultant from Moscow. Why do owners of Russian companies delegate power to their managers reluctantly? Why is delegation of authority not directly connected to the commercial success of the company? What prevents managers from being efficient? Here you will find the answers. John Harris, Professor, University of Warwick, UK CHANGE: THE CHALLENGE FOR MANAGERS The famous social management expert from the University of Warwick discusses how changes in the modern business environment influence top managers' activity, their approach o management, their behaviour. The main idea of this interesting piece no changes in a managers' work mean his professional death. Elena Novikova, Vice-President, ANCOR Company (Moscow) RECRUITER, HR MANAGER, AND EXECUTIVE SEARCH CONSULTANT IS COOPERATION POSSIBLE? When are managers ready to cooperate with recruiters? What algorithm of personnel search do they use most often? The manager of the leading recruiting company offers a deep insight into this topic. Galina Tokareva, HR Management Consultant, Researcher of the Practical Psychology Chair, St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering MANAGER: DOES RELIABLE MEAN EFFICIENT? Does a company need responsible, decent, honest, and orderly employees, managers especially? Want to know? Yes? Then this article is for you. Tatiana Golubinskaja, Senior Legal Adviser, "InterComp Technologies L.L.S" (Moscow) WHAT'S NEW IN THE NEW LABOUR CODE? Conclusion This piece concludes the tour of the new Labour Code and describes what is new in changing and termination procedures of the labour contract. Irina Petrischeva, Director, "O.S.V.-Personnel" Agency, O.S.V. Consulting Group, Member of the Recruiting Consultants Association (St. Petersburg) PARTIES RELATIONSHIP IN RECRUITING Development of partnerships on the labour market is urgent issue. How to built an efficient interaction between a recruiting agency and its clients? You will find the answer after reading this article by a well-known expert. Asya Barysheva, Coacher and Consultant, the Certified International Expert (Moscow) RESISTANCE AS A PART OF SUCCESSFUL TRAINING Conclusion. From this piece you'll find out what problems face the trainer during group management. Olga Osipova, Leading Trainer, Metropolis HR Association (Moscow) THE MAGIC OF TRAINING Sales training is a well-known way of successful work with clients. But why do the sellers not like the buyers? Why do sales fail in spite of any efforts? If you want to find answers please read the article by famous trainer from Moscow. Sergey Gorkov, Vice-President (HR), YUCOS Oil Company (Moscow) WESTERN STANDARD PLUS RUSSIAN SPECIFICITY In this interview given to journalist Olga Baturina, the vice-president of a major Russian company shares the experience of implementation of educational and other social programmes directed at employee development. Anton Kushner, Life Insurance Department, Ingosstrakh Insurance Company (Moscow) CORPORATE EMPLOYEE INSURANCE PLAN FOR TEMPORARY DISABILITY Useful tips from the Ingosstrakh expert for using a corporate insurance plan to avoid negative motivation and to make the employees to take care of their own health. Alla Chirikova, Ph. D. in Psychology, Senior Researcher, Sociology Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) WHAT'S PREFERABLE PATERNALISM OR PARTNERSHIP? No other form of personnel management except paternalism can be efficient in the modern Russian economy. The famous Russian researcher shows how she came to this conclusion after interviewing top managers of major companies. ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION THE EMPLOYEE: SUBORDINATE OR PARTNER? When is an employee a subordinate, and when is he/she a partner? What's more typical for Russian companies: an employee-subordinate or an employee-partner? What's easier: to be a subordinate or to be a partner? What prevents a business partnership within the company? Participants: Olga Allakhverdova, Director of the St. Petersburg Conflict Resolution Centre, Ph.D. in Psychology Alexander Karpenko, Director of the Negotiation Centre of St. Petersburg State University, Ph.D. in Biology Vera Minina, Editor-in-Chief, Personnel-Mix Journal Tatiana Klemina, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Personnel-Mix Journal Tatiana Kovaleva, Director General, Centre of Additional Education, Centre for Civic Initiatives Elena Zavialova, Head of the Pedagogics and Human Engineering Chair, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Doctor of Psychology Viacheslav Sivolobov, Director General, Gardarika Company Michail Philippov, Director General, Computer-Price Publishing House The questionnaire was answered by: Nina Emelianova, Analyst of HR System Management Department, IT company (Moscow) Alexey Zakharov, Director General, Triumvirate Development (Moscow) Vladimir Belyanin, Dirctor of the Nizhne-Svirsky Preserve, Vice-President of the North-West Russia Preserves and National Parks Association (Lodeynoe Pole) Egor Vyshegorodskih, Director, Legal Reform Foundation (Orel) Igor Chumarin, Director General, Loss Studies and Prevention Agency (St. Petersburg) Alexander Karpenko, Director of the Negotiation Centre of St. Petersburg State University, Associate Professor of the Philosophy Faculty, Ph. D. in Biology DON'T SHOOT THE PIANIST HE'S PLAYING AS WELL AS HE CAN! What relations can there be between the chief and the subordinate? What possibilities for business partnership within Russian companies can be found? A famous consultant offers his insights on these timely and relevant issues. Marina Libo, Research Officer, Stockholm School of Economics, Alpinist of Russia (St. Petersburg) A MUTUAL GOAL IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN CROSS-CULTURE DIFFERENCES A young Russian researcher concludes that in extreme situations some cultural differences are obliterated and disappear and others become twice as strong. High mutual goals in extreme circumstances destroy barriers and build a strong bridge over the abyss of intercultural differences. If so, maybe an extreme situation does not always hamper development? Natalia Petrova, Business Trainer, Consultant (Moscow) THE FIRST STEP TOWARDS A TEAM CREATIVE DECISION: BETWEEN FEAR AND HOPE What can threaten a team when a creative decision appears? What method does a leader uses to "curb" the creative decision? How to manage fear during creative decision development and promotion processes? You'll find the answers to these and many other questions in this fascinating piece by a Moscow expert in non-standard decisions. Vladislav Dominyak, Associate Professor of St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University THE PHENOMENON OF LOYALTY Loyalty as a social and psychological phenomenon becomes more and more interesting for everyone who is involved into organizational development and management. A researcher from the famous St. Petersburg University presents his deep analysis of different scientific approaches to this phenomenon. Joseph Dzialoshinsky, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Independent Communicativistic Institute, President of the Protection of Right Foundation "Commission on the Freedom of Information" (Moscow) COMPANY INFORMATION STRATEGY This well-known Russian professor proves that information processes within a company cannot be based on the "call-answer" model. They must work on the basis of company information strategy as a set of fundamental goals and principles of information activity.