№ 4 (011), 2002
Ludmila Andreeva, Business Consultant, Senior Lecturer of the State Institute of Psychology and Social Work (St. Petersburg) DON'T ENTER! INTERVIEW IS ON! Poor prepared selection interview and inadequate behaviour of an interviewer can reduce company attractiveness for a candidate and make him/her to give up offered job. What ethic rules shall an interviewer observe to support the company's image? A famous business consultant suggest her insights on these timely and relevant issues. Boris Borisov, Chief Lawyer of О.S.V. Consulting Group (St. Petersburg) HIRING AND FIRING: PROTECTION OF EMPLOYER'S INTERESTS. LEGAL ASPECTS What can and what must an employer do while making and terminating the labour contract to protect his interests? One of the top legal advisers gives his comments to the corresponding articles of the new Labour Code. Alexander Nikienko, PhD in Economics, Head of the Human Resources Policy Department, AFC System (Moscow) PECULIARITIES OF Human Resources POLICY AT A RUSSIAN HOLDING COMPANY No well considered and stated human resources policy this a problem of many Russian companies that prevents human resources from efficient usage. HR manager of the successful Russian holding company shares his experience on development and implementation of the manpower policy. Marc Holzer, Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, Campus at Newark, Seok-Hwan Lee, University of Illinois at Springfield (USA) HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR PRODUCTIVITY: FIVE IMPORTANT ASPECTS Productivity of personnel is a vital problem not only for private, but for public companies also. How to achieve employees' higher output, if financial resources are limited? Well known American experts answer this question. Tatiana Golubinskaja, Senior Legal Adviser, InterComp Technologies L.L.S (Moscow) WHAT'S MODERN IN THE NEW LABOR CODE? Cont. In this piece you'll find what is new in the Labour Code about employees' working time and leisure time. Sergej Ivanov, PhD in Economics, Senior Researcher of the Institute of Regional Economy Problems by the Russian Academy of Science (St. Petersburg); Natalia Mashukova, Head of the Department of the Professional Training and Human Resources Development Administration of the RF Labour Ministry (Moscow) MANPOWER QUALITATIVE MANAGEMENT IS IMPOSSIBLE WITHOUT NEW STANDARDS Prospective joining the World Trade Organization will require Russia to adopt certain obligations concerning efficient management of the labour market. Is the country ready for this? Experienced labour market consultants discuss necessity and main trends of the professional reform. Elena Osipova, Organizational Consultant, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, St. Petersburg State University WHOM TO ENTRUST EXTERNAL TRAINING? A company has decided to entrust training of its staff to external providers. There is a high competition on the training market now. What criteria shall you keep in mind choosing a provider? What is more important the essence of the training or trainer's image? The famous organizational consultant gives her advise. Julia Merkurieva, PhD in Sociology, Moderator of the Social and Psychological Training, High School of Economics, St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance WHAT IS THE COST OF COMPETENCE? Today Russian employers try to hire only competent staff. But what does it mean "a competent employee"? Why lots of companies don't develop competence of their personnel actually? Famous trainer and consultant offers her point of view. Alla Chirikova, PhD in Psychology, Senior Researcher, Sociology Institute of Russian Academy of Science (Moscow) EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT A LA RUSSIA: TYPICAL FEATURES OF TOP MANAGERS' PERSONALITY AND BUSINESS CULTURE What personal characteristics of leading managers are bringing to success in modern Russia? How do their internal guiding lines change depending on development of market relations in the country? What is difference in Russian and Western top manager's portrait? The famous sociologist refers to results of a large-scale research. Erkki Asp, Professor (Turku, Finland) TRUST IN TRADE UNIONS AT MODERN INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES: COMPARATIVE STUDY What's a role of trade unions in modern conditions? In what fields can they represent employees' interests efficiently and where their influence comes to nothing? Finnish expert answers these questions basing on inter-country study. Alexander Gromov, Management and Development Consultant, SE Organizaitional Development Technologies (St. Petersburg) Michael Smirnov, Management and Development Consultant, SE Organizaitional Development Technologies (St. Petersburg) PARADOXES OF ORGANIZATIONAL LOYALTY Top managers' energetic efforts to bring up the staff to become loyal to the company quite often result in employees' leaving for other companies. Well-known organizational consultants carry on a vivid dialog on paradoxes and pitfalls of loyalty. Rada Granovskaya, Professor, Doctor of Psychology (St. Petersburg) INVENTION PRESENTATION STRATEGY An employee has made a discovery or developed a new product. How to present this invention to the management in the best way? What psychological traps can face the inventor? The famous psychologist presents her observations and thoughts. Ludmila Mosina, Director of the Institute of Psychogenetics (Moscow) DEVELOPING ATTRACTIVE CORPORATE CULTURE OF BANK Authour of this article asserts that strong corporate culture can enhance bank's attractiveness in client's opinion. Maria Gagarina, Organizational Consultant (St. Petersburg) PITFALLS OF RESTRUCTURING In this interesting piece the independent consultant discusses problems that top managers face during company restructuring. Read it and you'll find out what aspects of company culture will be considered during this process and why. Elvira Osipova, HR Director of NTV Television Broadcasting Company (Moscow) WINGS OF RUSSIA It took aircompany "Volga-Dnieper" less then 10 years to become a major player on the world cargo airfreight market and to become a winner of the First National Excellence in People Management Award where it for nominated for "Excellence in Inter-Corporate Communication Development". Human Resources Professionals' League presents an article describing principles of personnel management that led the company to success. Marina Danilova, Coach Consultant, Trainer, Deputy Director of Alexander Savkin Training Center (St. Petersburg) COACH MANAGEMENT: DUAL FOCUS ATTENTION In modern conditions a coach management is more and more often considered as a tool for solving a lot of HR management problems. The famous coach-consultant convinces that coaching helps an employee to realize a task completely and take responsibility for its solution.