Personnel Mix
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№ 2 (009), 2002


Felix Drosdovsky, General Manager, OOO Grand, Inc. (St. Petersburg)

What's St. Petersburg employee worth?

Are Russian employers finally ready to pay real money for real specialists? The director of a major St. Petersburg agency analyzes the St. Petersburg labor market and offers these interesting conclusions.

Olga Sevastyanova, Organizational Development and HR Consultant(St. Petersburg)

HR & PR: working together for mutual success

Finding and recruiting a good staff is not only a matter of finding excellent employees, it's a matter of creating a good image that will attract exceptional candidates. This famous organizational consultant clearly makes a case for a close collaboration between HR-specialists and PR-specialists.

Tatiana Gavrilova, "Balt-Audit-Expert", Consultant, Doctor of Science, Professor of St. Petersburg State Technical University (St. Petersburg)

Natalia Harkevitch, "Balt-Audit-Expert", Candidate of Science, Deputy Director for Organizational Development (St. Petersburg)

The ABCs of interviewing


More often than not, candidates and interviewers don't speak the same language, at least not during preliminary talks. Two artificial intelligence and organizational experts offer their advice and tips on how to talk straight right from the start.

Vladimir Avseyev, Chief Designer of BOSS-Kadrovik Project, IT Company (Moscow)

Personnel recording/personnel management: do it


What do staff management and potential profits have in common with information technology? According to this well-known expert, more than you would guess.

Tatiana Golubinskaja, Senior Legal Adviser, "InterComp Technologies L.L.S" (Moscow)

What's modern in the new labor code?

The new Labor Code of the Russian Federation has many ramifications, particularly for the employer and the employee. But what exactly has changed? And how has it affected the duties and rights of both sides? Trust us, you don't want to miss out on this expert's comments!

Anastasia Chanko, Coach-Consultant, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Management, St. Petersburg State University

Five 'k' in german firms and organizations: a traveler's notes


What exactly is "participative management"? How does it affect the group spirit as well as the authority of command? In this interesting article an organizational consultant continues to share her thought about the system of staff management in German firms and governmental organizations.

Boris Fedorov, Director, Open Business School (St. Petersburg)

Vladimir Makarenko, Development Director, OAO "Telecomstroy SPb" (St. Petersburg)

Application of information technologies to company management systems


These two well-respected experts analyze how to successfully create the corporate informational system.

Hedy L. Isaaks, PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor, University of the West Indies (Jamaica)

Non-monetary incentives for productivity improvement

Today's business world is increasingly complex and dynamic, requiring more from everyone. So how do you increase your company's efficiency without paying more, more, more? Is there a point when money is not a big enough carrot? Read this insightful piece and learn of possible non-monetary ways to motivate your corporate and governmental employees.

Elena Belonogova, Director, Career Union Employment Agency (Ekaterinburg)

Remuneration of high-qualified employees in ekaterinburg

What professions and positions are the most in demand and well-paid in Ekaterinburg? The director of the most well-known recruitment agency in the Urals offers this detailed analysis of the Ekaterinburg labor market.

Alla Chirikova, Candidate of Psychology, Senior Researcher, Sociology Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)

The future crisis in business leadership

According to a number of studies, Western business is about to plunge into a leadership crisis, the likes of which haven't been seen in decades. So how do we avoid this? What qualities should the business leaders of the 21st century have? And how can Russian businesses not only prepare themselves, but thrive in tumultuous times? Read this fascinating article… and get ready for the future.

Round table talk: leader or big mouth?

What type of person usually has the most influence on the development of a company? What does a company gain or lose if it has such a person? How do you avoid the negative influences? These questions and more are addressed by a number of leading managers and advisers.

Yekaterina Seryogina, Organizational Сonsultant (St. Petersburg)

Personality and organization: risks and gains

Let's face it, no one is perfect, and that includes you, Boss! And no matter how truly great you are, you can't be absolutely rational when it comes to staff selection, company strategy, or organization of the inner workings. So how do you avoid the pitfalls and make the best decisions? Using examples of Western business leaders, the author of this informative article will show you how to best succeed.

Michael Baryshnikov, Doctor of History, Professor of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (St. Petersburg)

Two persons, two fortunes: both women

In this fascinating article you'll learn about two of Russia's most outstanding business leaders, both of them women at the end of the 19th century.

Andrey Golyney, Senior Partner, "Abercade Consulting" (Moscow)

Comrades at work

People talk, people laugh, people share stories… and in this way people become friends at any workplace. Almost always this is a good thing, positively affecting job performance. But what if it's not? What if two friends do not make a good team? Using sociometry to study informal relationships in an organization, a respected consultant provides an abundance of interesting insights.

Michael Smirnov, Management and Development Consultant, SE Organizational Development Technologies (St. Petersburg)

The responsible employee


What is a responsible employee? Just how valuable is he or she? Better yet, how do you take an ordinary employee and turn him or her into a priceless one? A well-known adviser presents more thoughts and insights.

Irina Boyarshinova, Head, Profile Recruitment Agency (Murmansk)

Honest personnel — successful business

Everyone knows that unprofessional and dishonest personnel can severely damage a company. But how do you find only the best, the brightest… and the most honest? Here are some unique ideas.

Alla Chirikova, Candidate of Psychology, Senior Researcher, Sociology Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)

Management in russia: authoritarian?

Is the leading style of management in Russian business really and truly authoritarian? If so, what are its roots? Here's a summery of a recent and large-scale study that addresses this timely issue.

Alexey Churkin, Director, Personnel Service Recruitment Agency (St. Petersburg)

St. Petersburg labor market: styles of staff recruiting

What is the market for personnel services in St. Petersburg and, better yet, what are the positive and negative features of the most popular recruitment methods? Find out what's happening in St. Petersburg.

Sergey Mordovin, Candidate of Economical Sciences, Rector, St. Petersburg International Institute of Management, Vice-President of Russian Association of Business Education, Chairman of Accreditation, Central and East European Management Development Association (St. Petersburg)

Business-education: more questions than answers

What really is an business-education and how do you get it? What are the main problems of training managers in Russia? The rector of one of the first business schools in St. Petersburg probes these issues and more.

Marina Baranoff, Personnel Director, "Promsvyazbank" AKB (Moscow)

Yelena Fadyeeva, Head, Personnel Department, 3M (Moscow)

Employee success — company victory

The first national Grand Prize for "Success in Personnel Management" was awarded to Motorola in March 2001. So what are they doing right? What can we learn from them? Read on!


Necessity is the mother of invention.


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